Author's Notes: Spanked!Mulder is for Xanthe! See, people, this is what nice feedback gets you! :-) Category: PG, I guess. Discipline. Oh, and an m/m kiss! And naked men! And red butts! But other than that, plain old love and affection... Spoilers: Minor for Arcadia Disclaimer: They're mine! All MINE!!! CC and consorts - eat your hearts out!!! Just kidding. No rights, no infringement, no money - but lotsa fun! My addy is: My home is at: Summary: After meeting Lady Enigma, our AD decides it is time to meet her Significant Other. But is three a company, or a crowd? *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* In The Lioness's Den *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* by Gaby Chapter 2: A Safe Haven I am a coward. A big one. After that mindblowing session with Lady Enigma, I fell asleep with Scully in my arms. When I woke up in the middle of the night I panicked, grabbed my clothes and darted out of the suite. Never looked back. The next morning was a little awkward. I couldn't concentrate on my paper work and fought an internal battle with myself whether to call Scully and apologize, or not. After all, this had been the best sex I have *ever* had, and I had to admit that I would like to repeat the night. But the way I acted, stealing myself away in the middle of the night, I was sure that Scully would laugh in my face, throw a right hook, file a complaint, or simply shoot me. She's done it to her partner, after all. Since she was working at Quantico I didn't have to worry about running into her in one of the Hoover hallways but I missed her presence nonetheless. Somehow it was always reassuring to know that she was lurking in that basement dwelling, along with Mulder. Oh God, Mulder. If he ever found out about this *he* was going to shoot me. Though he wasn't that much of a shooter. Maybe I would live, after all. I will find out soon enough. While I am berating myself here for screwing up so badly almost a week ago Mulder is on his way to my office. He got back from that VC case yesterday and is supposed to give me a debriefing. I glance at my watch and sigh. Only two more minutes. Well, he's never on time, anyway, so I might even have more than... "Sir, Agent Mulder is here." Damn! "Thank you, Kim. Send him in, please." I steel myself. The door opens and Mulder prances into my office. He looks at me with a gleam in his eyes, and actually smiles a little. Well, apparently he doesn't know what I did to Scully. That surprises me quite a bit; even if they are not involved, they share everything with each other. I was absolutely positive that Scully told Mulder about...well, you know. Mulder sits down without being invited and looks at me expectingly. I am rather nervous right now because I don't know if and what he knows. I clear my throat. "Congratulations on solving the case, Agent Mulder. That was very impressive." There. Neutral enough. "Thank you, sir. I did my best. Basically we were just lucky, though." "Don't say that. It was your profile that helped apprehend that killer!" Mulder just looks at me. His head is slightly tilted, as if he were thoroughly inspecting something interesting. He keeps on smiling. Very unnerving, that. "So, um, have you talked to Scully lately?" What kind of question is that? Why don't I just ram it home? 'Oh, by the way, Mulder, in case you were wondering, I hopped in the sack with your partner while you were busy catching a serial killer!' "Well, I called her when I got back yesterday. To tell her I'm back. But she was rather tired after a day of lecturing so we didn't talk that long." Mulder shrugs. Yeah, right. Am I seriously to believe that? You two are so close that you call each other in the middle of the night for nothing, for crying out loud! Maybe I'm really just imagining things. There are two possible explanations: Mulder really doesn't know, or he doesn't care. In any event, I'm not in any immediate danger of losing vital parts of my anatomy and / or my life, so I ask Mulder to debrief me. ***** That went well. I sit in my office and stare at the closed door. Mulder left about ten minutes ago and I have been doing nothing except staring at that stupid door. To be honest with you, I find Mulder rather attractive. For a man, I mean. I've never had any feelings for men, and I have certainly never had any sexual encounters with them. But if I had to choose one then it would be Mulder. He's a good-looking guy (though a bit on the skinny side) and I like the natural grace with which he moves. What really strikes me as odd, though, is the fact that he is totally unaware of his attractiveness. People, both female and male, actually turn around and stare at him and he doesn't even notice! Maybe that is the reason why he is attractive. He just doesn't know. Or he doesn't care. Whatever. Well, since I'm still alive I decide to call Scully. On the other hand, it already has been a week and I am rather chicken when it comes to verbal confrontations. I'm just not the talkative type. Never have been. I'm sure I would stutter like a school boy as soon as I got her on the phone. So I write her an email. I know that she downloads her FBI emails at Quantico daily. This way I can work on my apology (or whatever I'll write) until it sounds right and she won't be able to disconnect as soon as she hears who called her. Smart move on my part. 'Agent Scully, I have reconsidered your offer regarding your lady friend. Perhaps you might be able to arrange another meeting with her so I can explain my recent behavior. AD Walter Skinner' Sounds innocent enough. My finger hovers over the mouse for about a minute before I click on the send button. There. Done. Doomed. I work on autopilot for the rest of the day. Around eight I decide to finally go home when my computer chimes to tell me that I have mail. Scully. 'Sir, my lady friend was wondering what happened. Looks forward to seeing you again. Will pick you up Saturday at three. Overnight bag optional. D. Scully' So I guess my weekend is planned. ***** I am more nervous than I was last week when I was sitting in my car in front of that old warehouse building. I pace my apartment and glance at my watch for the fifth time in so many minutes. I almost trip over my overnight bag. What the hell was I thinking when I packed that thing? Somebody help me, it's three pm! My intercom buzzes and Mike, the doorman, announces that I have a visitor. I tell him I'll be right down, grab my bag, my jacket, and my keys, and leave my apartment. Scully waits for me in the entry hall. I smile tentatively at her, still unsure how pissed off she is with me. She smiles back. Okay, question answered. She sees my overnight bag and raises her famous eyebrow mockingly. Yeah, yuk it up - I really hope we will get it on again. Guilty as charged. We get into her car, and she pulls out into the traffic. "You know, I could've met you at the Club..." I begin cautiously. That way I would have my car handy, you know? In case I had to flee, or something. I'm a practical man, after all. "We're not driving to the Club. Walter." Scully gives me a quick side glance. I blink in surprise. We're not? "So...where are we going, then?" Oh God, she's driving to some secluded place where she can deposit of my body more easily! What was I thinking? "A safe haven." I stare at Scully but she keeps her eyes on the road. We drive in silence for several minutes. "Scully, I'm really sorry for running away. I don't know what happened. I guess I just panicked." Scully smiles and nods. "I gathered that much. Could've called me, though. How come you sent me that email?" She doesn't sound angry or resentful. Actually, she sounds rather curious. "Well, I'm not sure. I guess it was Mulder. He didn't try to shoot me." Scully starts to laugh out loud. God, that sounds beautiful! Like millions of little bells. Light and clear. Wonderful. "Why would he want to do that, Walter?" "I thought he might be jealous or something. But when he was his usual self I figured that he had nothing to do with you. At least not in the way I first thought..." I falter. How am I supposed to explain that I was convinced they were having a hot affair? A BDSM affair, on top of that! "Oh, Mulder knows. I told him about the note I wrote you in your office when I went back to the basement. I called him in Florida after that night in the Club. He was certain that you were just a little scared of your feelings and that you would come around eventually. Actually, you cost me a twenty when you sent me that email!" She smiles at me again. I look at her in disbelief. "Mulder knows?" Scully nods. "And he is okay with that?" I just don't believe it! "Oh, he's looking forward to seeing you!" I frown. "What do you mean?" "We're on the way to meet him right now. That's another reason why I picked you up. I thought you might want to talk about things. In private. Without Mulder." Good point. I'm sure there are a million things I want to talk about. Too bad I can't think of one right now. I shrug. "No, that's okay. I guess deep down I knew all along that you were...playing with Mulder." Scully grins. "Loosen up, Walter. Playing is a normal and healthy thing. Don't be ashamed or frightened. It's fun. Well, it *was* fun for you, wasn't it?" "Oh yeah," I breathe. Scully grins even wider. "So, you're going with Mulder and me now?" I don't really know if I like the idea. My cock seems to vote for 'yes' though. "Look, Mulder and I have been doing this for quite some time now. We like to do things a bit more...intense. I won't do that to you. At least not at first. I want to ease you in. Maybe you won't ever play on the same level that Mulder is on. That doesn't matter, though. I will give you what you want and need, Walter. That is all you need to worry about, alright?" I nod. Scully knew exactly what I needed when we first met. She seemed to instinctly know what to give me even though I myself didn't know that I was looking for it. So it is only fair to trust her in that matter. "We will discuss the finer points of our arrangement when Mulder is with us. It involves him as well so it is only fair that he has a say in this. We're all equals, Walter." I nod again. Might as well enjoy the ride. Scully will lead the way. ***** We are in a residential area now and Scully pulls up in front of a two-story house. Nice one, too. Perfect for a family with 2.3 children, a dog and two cars. White paint, front lawn, porch, two-car-garage. All American family house. "Where are we?" "Home. Our safe haven." "Oh. And whose house is it?" Scully gives me that look again. "Mine." Yeah, stupid question, Walter. "Yours? How did you..." "Walter, no, I didn't buy it. It is mine, though." "Like the Club?" Scully nods. "Let me guess...Mulder bought this house. And the Club, right?" "Of course. The man is loaded! Just think about it. Martha's Vineyard brat. He doesn't care about the money so he buys me stuff." Nice stuff. Maybe I could ask him to buy me a sports car for Christmas... Scully is about to get out of the car when she sees someone walking by. She groans. "Oh no. Walter, show no fear! Smile and nod. That's all I'm asking for." She plasters a fake smile on her face and gets out of the car. I follow her and see an elderly woman with curlers in her blue- ish hair making a bee line towards Scully. "Why, hello, Mrs. Brady! Back from Europe yet?" she enquires. I raise both eyebrows but smile. After all, Scully told me so. "Hello, Mrs Davis. Nice to see you. Yes, I got back yesterday. I'm surprised you didn't see me last night." Ouch. Nice punch, Agent! Scully keeps that fake smile on her face and nods towards me. "That is my brother-in-law. You might see him here every once in a while." Mrs Davis looks me over and apparently decides that I pass her test, whatever it is. She nods at me in way of greeting, and I nod back. Then she scurries down the road. Scully sighs heavily. "Mrs Davis, our personal nightmare. We thought we had found a nice little retreat here but this woman will be the death of us yet!" There is only one thing on my mind. Oh, okay, two. "Brady? Brother-in-law? I'm Mulder's *brother* now?" Scully shrugs and gives me an apologetic smile. "Welcome to the family, Walter." Hmm, I guess I could live with that. "And what is that Brady business?" There is that wonderful laughter again. Scully shakes her head. "Mulder at his best. He just knows how to pick the really revolting names. Brady as in the Brady Bunch. All American family." I stare at her in disbelief. "Don't tell me it's Mike and Carol?" Scully laughs out loud and shakes her head. "Rob and Laura. *Again*. Believe me, after he got punished for pulling *that* stunt he swore on a big stack of bibles to never pick out our undercover names again!" I'm a bit taken aback about the punishment part but I guess I should get used to it when I really want to go through with the entire thing. Scully walks towards the front door. "We thought a house was more intimate. We don't really like playing at the Club. Especially since I'm the owner now. Somehow it feels weird going there." She waves at the door. "We're still redecorating and putting in the rest of our equipment but it's basically ready and waiting." Scully opens the front door and waves me inside, yelling to Mulder, "We're here! You decent?" A second later Mulder turns round a corner, grinning broadly. He is naked - well, almost. He wears a tool belt. That is one of the most erotic sights I have ever laid my eyes on! Little Walter starts to have a serious discussion with Mr Zipper here. Mulder really is skinny but I love those long runner legs. And what a nice cock he has! Ohmygod, this is the first time that I'm thinking anything like that about another man's genitals. What is wrong with me? Mulder catches me staring and grins even more. "Finally! Reinforcement! Hey, I hope you know how to nail!" I stare at him, unable to answer. Mulder's grin grows even wider if that is possible. "Oops, Freudian slip. I meant to say, I hope you know how to use a hammer and nails." I nod, dumbfounded. "Go get dressed. We have to have a serious talk, and I want us to be equals for that, Mulder," Scully says. Mulder just shrugs and turns around to walk upstairs. He really is completely unaware of his good looks, and he doesn't seem to mind at all that he was the only one naked just now. Especially with his boss in the same room. When I liked the cock I'm drooling over his butt. I don't know what is happening to me but somehow I have a couple of x- rated fantasies involving that man. With Mulder gone Scully beckons me into the living room. "There's fresh coffee in the kitchen!" Mulder yells from upstairs. Scully leaves me alone for a minute to get the pot and three cups. Just as she sits down on the sofa, Mulder comes back down wearing an old pair of sweat pants that hang enticingly low on his hips, and an old Quantico tee shirt. He throws himself on the floor next to Scully and leans against the couch and her legs. Her hand immediately goes to his head, stroking his hair absently. This is such a beautiful picture, so perfect in its simplicity. I admire that couple. They are made for each other in more ways that I can count, and I feel another pang of jealousy. I could never fit in. I would always be an intruder. "Well, let's talk business, then, huh?" Scully says. I nod hesitantly. Mulder grins at me cheekily. Somehow I think he enjoys all of that a bit too much. Scully turns all serious now, as she outlines the rules. "Okay, as I said before, I won't do anything that distresses you. That's why you have a safe word. You can change it if you want to, by the way." I shake my head, no. Scully shrugs. "Fine. During our sessions you will call me Milady. I don't care much for Mistress. You may also say Ma'am, if you prefer that." I nod. "We will play whenever we feel like it. Mulder and I have tried to do this regularly but sometimes it is hard to find the time. Now, with the house as safe haven, we can come and go whenever we please. Also, we can meet here without playing. There will be times when I will only play with Mulder, and times when I will only play with you. But there will also be times when I will play with both of you. That means that I expect my boys to pleasure me. Sometimes you will do that by playing with each other." My head snaps up at that remark, and I swallow convulsively. I'm not sure whether I like this rule or not. I glance over at Mulder who grins impishly at me. He is having the time of his life right now. "That is non-negotiable, Walter. I can see that you want that deep inside, whether you know it or not. You will obey this rule." Scully is still calm but her voice has a threatening quality to it. I swallow again, still wavering. Mulder is really enjoying himself now, seeing his big bad boss squirm. "Hey, I bet he needs to get his cherry popped! I don't believe it! That guy has never been properly fucked! Oh, that'll be so much fun..." He grins again, and I blanch. Scully's fingers curl into a tight fist, yanking Mulder's head back painfully by the strands of hair in her hand. "I advise you to keep your big mouth shut. Right now we're equals but the way you are behaving *now* will determine how *I* will treat you later." Mulder's big grin fades visibly, and he nods as much as he can with his head held at this awkward angle. Scully acknowledges this and lets go of his hair. Mulder looks at me for a split second and then lowers his eyes. Scully starts to stroke his hair again. "As I said before, this rule is non-negotiable. I enjoy watching two beautiful men having a good time. And you two are perfect for that little scene. Don't worry, I'll ease you in slowly." I nod uncertainly but I trust Scully unconditionally so I guess I will be fine. I calm down a little. "The only one easing in slowly will be me. Inside him. Maybe I won't be *easing in* in the first place. Hard and fast have their advantages, too," Mulder murmurs under his breath. I look up alarmed, trying to see myself draped over a bed with Mulder happily pounding into me. I shudder slightly. Scully smacks the back of Mulder's head pretty hard and he looks up in dismay. "Zip it up, Schmolly, you're in deep shit as it is!" she hisses. Mulder bites his lower lip and nods once, acknowledging that fact. "Sorry," he mutters, and looks back down at the floor. I glance at Scully, a question written all over my face. She nods at me encouragingly. "Schmolly?" I prompt. Scully smiles, and Mulder flinches slightly but he keeps his mouth shut. Nice change. "Well, that is the name I chose for him for when we are playing. You will get one, too." "A slave name?" I ask astonished. "No! Not a slave name. You aren't my slaves. I don't want any slaves. But I find that it helps all parties involved to concentrate on the scene when there is a special name to use. Besides, it is easier for you boys to see whether we are in a scene or not." I contemplate that information. Somehow I have a bad feeling about this. "You mean my name will know..." I falter. Scully looks at me innocently. "What, Walter?" I blush and stare at my hands. "You know...'hot stud'..." I mumble. Mulder lets out a hysterical fit of giggles and actually rolls around on the floor a bit. I blush even more. Scully turns red, as well, but for different reasons. She grabs Mulder by the scruff of his neck and yanks him back to an upright position. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he yells when he realizes that he is in trouble. "I didn't mean any disrespect! I really didn't! He *is* a hot stud! He really is! It's just that he's so embarrassed by it..." Scully scowls and shakes him once more to ram the point home. "I'm sorry," he repeats one more time. Scully turns back to me, completely ignoring Mulder. "No, Walter, I will think of something else. The name should fit the person, just like 'hot stud' does, but it also needs to be a little...humiliating." Oh great. As if 'hot stud' isn't humiliating enough. "Take Mulder, for example. 'Schmolly' isn't really a word. It's something that I created using the German word for to pout. It means 'schmollen' so 'Schmolly' means something like 'little pouty one'. I think that's pretty appropriate." Mulder snorts in dismay, actually sticking his lower lip out a fraction, and I grin. Oh yeah, that pretty much sums it up quite nicely. Scully smiles back. "Ready for the grand tour, Walter?" she asks, and I nod. The three of us walk down the hallway to a staircase leading to the basement. Down there is one giant room, painted almost black, with just about every torture device I have ever seen or heard of, plus a few that I don't know. Scully shows me around, explaining each 'toy' to me, giving me the opportunity to feel and examine them, starting with the big ones like that whipping post, down to the small implements like that wooden paddle I'm holding in my hand right now. I'm close to freaking out here. Sorry, but this is just a bit too much for me. The fact that this room has a heavy door, and the fact that this door seals off this entire room to make it absolutely soundproof (or so Scully assures me) doesn't really help to make me feel better. I don't know whether I'm up to the challenge, so to speak. "Look, Dana, I'm not sure this is what I want...what I can take..." I stutter, fingering that paddle nervously. "Oh, for Chrissakes!" yells Mulder, exasperated, throwing his hands up in the air. "Are you kidding? You, the mean ex-Marine, try to tell me that you're not up to that? What are you, a big wuss?" The next thing I know, Mulder kneels in front of Scully with a giant ball gag in his mouth. He looks rather miserable. Apparently he is as surprised by the turn of events as I am. Scully's demeanor has changed dramatically. She is Lady Enigma again; no, she is even more than that. "Okay, here's the deal, smart mouth. When I come up to show Walter my bedroom I expect to see you naked in your place. You know the drill. Obey for once." With that, she gives Mulder an ungentle shove towards the door. Mulder glares at her, then at me, and leaves the room, fuming. Scully turns to me, being the old Dana again. "Sorry about that. He's usually much better behaved. VC cases do that to him. I've figured out that he needs me to take him back down after them. He should be fine by tomorrow evening." I nod, glumly. Somehow I didn't enjoy that particular display of power. That was a bit too intense for me. On the other hand, seeing Mulder on his knees in front of me, looking up at me with those wild eyes...Little Walter nudges Mr Zipper again. "He doesn't like me. He doesn't want me here," I say, almost whining. Come on, this may be a bit intense here, but I really enjoyed my time with Lady Enigma, and I would really like to see more of that naked Mulder. Of course, I can understand that he reacts like a bratty kid - he's been doing that all those years to get anyone's attention, and now there's this other man taking his Domme's undivided attention away from him. I'd be jealous, too. "Don't be silly, Walter. He is thrilled to have you here! Do you know for how many years I had to listen to his fantasies involving you? Do you know how many wet dreams he's had about you? When I told him that I finally hooked you he was beaming like a kid on Christmas Day!" Scully laughs when she sees my doubtful face. Seriously, do you believe what she just said, after that little tantrum that Mulder threw? "Back to business. Look, as I said before, we won't play on the same level as Mulder and I are playing. We probably never will. That is okay. I will take you down here for some serious playing but it won't ever be harsh. Trust me on this, okay? You will learn to enjoy the sessions down here. Just give it time." I nod, still a bit uncertain. But Scully really seems to know what she's talking about so I trust her judgement. She slaps my upper arm affectionately and points at the door. "Rest of the house?" I nod. Scully shows me the kitchen and the dining room. There is also a study on the first floor which is used as storage room right now. "No work in this house. I won't allow it. That's why there will be times when we won't play. If any one of us has work to do over the weekend or at night he will not bring it into this house. Understood?" I nod again. Upstairs, Scully makes a bee line to a half-open door. "Master bedroom," she explains, then giggles. "Should be Mistress bedroom, I guess." I smile tentatively, remembering what I will see in there. And I'm not disappointed. When we enter the room I see Mulder slouching in a corner, between the window and the door to the en-suite bathroom. As soon as he sees us, he scrambles to his knees but Scully wrong-foots him and points in front of herself. "Display, Schmolly!" she commands. Mulder, in all his naked glory, plus ball gag and a very fiery glare in his eyes, walks over to us. We stand in the middle of the giant room, and Mulder goes down on his knees with such a gracefulness that it almost takes my breath away. He sits back on his heels, straightens his back, opens his legs up further, and places his hands at his sides with palms facing us. After glowering at us for a moment, he lowers his head. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Scully looks him over and nods her approval. Then she turns to me. "Eventually you will learn the different positions, as well. I expect that from you. Basic knowledge, so to speak." I nod my understanding. "The best and easiest way to learn the positions is to watch Schmolly here." She points towards Mulder with her chin, and I look at the man at our feet. Alright! Mulderwatching! I can do that! I smile a little. "Schmolly has his corner over there," Scully goes on, pointing to the place that Mulder occupied just a few moments ago. "We'll find you a special place, as well. I expect you to wait for me there when I give you no other specific instructions." I nod again. "Is there only a special place in this bedroom?" I ask. Scully smiles brightly at me. "You are a fast learner, Walter. It's gonna be so much fun playing with you!" Mulder snorts around his ball gag and is rewarded by a cuff against his head. Other than that, Scully happily ignores him. "There are special places in the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, and of course, our Playroom. As I said before, we'll find you some nice corners later on." Scully suddenly turns around and heads towards a connecting door that I hadn't seen before. Apparently she expects me to follow so I trot after her. Mulder seems to be unsure about what to do but before he can completely get up, Scully evenly says, "Stay, Schmolly," over her shoulder. Mulder settles back down on his heels, shooting daggers at her back. I walk into a smaller bedroom. There is a queen sized bed and a walk-in closet. A nightstand and a small cupboard. "This is your bedroom," Scully states. "Mine?" I echo. Somehow I expected to sleep in that big and comfy king sized bed next door. Scully smiles slightly. "No, no. *Your* room. Mulder's and yours." I stare at her in disbelief. Mulder and I, in this bed, together...? "Usually you'll sleep with me but there are times when I don't want you to, or when you didn't earn the privilege of a night with me. That's when you'll sleep here. Of course, we'll buy another bed for you, now that we know that you're part of the Brady Bunch." She grins at me, and I grin back. We walk back into the other bedroom and watch Mulder for a second. What a beautiful sight! He kneels there, displaying himself submissively, but we can both see how tense and angry he is. Defiance, thy name is Schmolly. God, I love that nickname! "Okay, I think we have some business to attend to," Scully says, in full-blown Domme mode, and stands next to Mulder. I marvel at the way she switches personalities! She nudges his knee gently with her foot and he looks up at her. His eyes are emerald with golden spots. Full of fire. I see that his cock is almost entirely flaccid. So he really isn't getting off on being punished right now, in front of me. I'm sure his cock would normally be standing at attention like the best of them, with him kneeling in front of Scully, gagged and submissive, but in the situation we are in at the moment he is just extremely annoyed. Somehow I believe that he'd love to just get up and leave. Of course, we all know that he doesn't stand a chance against Scully. "Lose the attitude, Schmolly. You're in enough trouble as it is." Mulder gives her another fiery glare, then lowers his eyes for a moment as if collecting himself. When he looks back up his eyes reflect indifference, mostly. Not necessarily what Scully was aiming for but better than nothing. "Walter, I want you to understand something. I will punish your 'brother' here now. In front of you. This adds humiliation and has a better effect. In case you misbehave I might decide to punish you in front of him someday, as well." I look at her alarmed. I don't mind playing a little D/s in private, or even with Mulder involved, but being punished in front of him...? I mean, I'm his boss! Talk about losing authority! "Don't, Walter. Just accept. It's a given." I nod, tentatively. Well, I guess, I'll just make sure to behave so she won't have to punish me... Scully turns back to Mulder. "Assume, Schmolly!" she barks and jerks her head towards the bed. Mulder scrambles to his feet to assume the demanded position. He bends over the foot board, a rather high brass railing, then crosses his arms on the comforter and puts his head on them, spreading his legs further apart without being told to do so. I stare at the prone man in front of me and feel Little Walter having another heated discussion with Mr Zipper. Scully smiles at me, obviously proud of Mulder and his obedience. The little he has shown so far, at least. There is a moment of total silence. Nobody says a word. We don't even move. Then Scully turns to me, hand stretched out. "Your belt, please, Walter." I blink at her, not understanding why she wants my belt. When I see Mulder's head snap up to look over his shoulder in alarm I realize what Scully's intentions are. I swallow and reach for my buckle with trembling fingers. Mulder stares at me beseechingly. Scully takes my belt and doubles it over, smacking it against her thigh experimentally. I flinch. Mulder flinches. I don't know if I can do this. "Alright, I'll make that one fast and hard, Schmolly. Keep still." Mulder's head nods slightly, now back on his arms. I can see his ass muscles clenching nervously. Scully draws her arm back and smacks Mulder's ass with a very resounding lick. Mulder barely reacts - his back muscles contract once and he takes a deep breath. I, on the other hand, jump and groan in sympathy. Scully ignores me, informing Mulder, "That one was for turning around to look. You know you're not allowed to break position!" With that, she starts applying my belt to Mulder's butt in earnest. I soon lose count. Mulder is holding up surprisingly well. He writhes slightly but does his best to keep still. I can hear him sob around that ball gag. His butt is dark red from hip to mid-thigh, and I can see distinctive welts now. Scully is thorough. She makes sure to spread the punishment out evenly, all over the entire area, then she starts again at the beginning. I think she is in the middle of round four now. One thing for sure: I will never, ever do anything to make her angry! No matter what she said about going easy on me - this is too much to bear for me! On the other hand...this gorgeous butt, all red and glowing, does look rather nice. Mulder's body is shaking. I guess he's crying but I'm not sure. The belt raining down on that sore butt is making too much noise to hear. Besides, crying around a ball gag is rather difficult, I imagine. Scully has kept an even pace but stops suddenly. Now I can hear it loud and clear: Mulder is bawling his eyes out. I never thought I'd witness that one day! "Okay, Schmolly, one more. This one's to make you understand what is unacceptable." Having said that, she whips a vicious lick across his thighs. "No more disrespect!" Mulder yowls loudly and sags visibly, draped over the foot board. Scully gives me my belt back and looks at me searchingly. "Are you still in?" she whispers, almost afraid that she has put on too much show and has scared me off. Well, to be honest, she did. After a moment, I nod hesitantly. Well, she did tell me that she won't play on the same level with me than with Mulder, so I won't have to endure anything like that. I hope. Scully smiles, obviously relieved. "Why don't you go and grab your bag? Go to your room, get ready. I want to see you in all your naked glory. Just give me ten minutes, alright?" I nod again, look over at Mulder, and leave the room. While I undress in "our" room I can hear Scully talking softly to Mulder through the half open connecting door. I can't make out what she is saying but I can see her sitting on the bed with him, now sans ball gag, cradling him, rubbing his back, rocking him back and forth. She kisses his forehead gently, looks at him searchingly, as if making sure that a point has indeed been made, and after a second Mulder nods slowly. Scully smiles and hugs him again. Since I am busy putting away my clothes I don't see them for a minute or two, and when I finally enter the Master bedroom naked I am surprised to see Mulder lying on the bed. Alone. He turns his face towards me, raking his eyes over my body. I feel insecure and take a step back. Then I get a grip - after all, I've already seen him naked *and* being punished! His face is tear- streaked, his eyes a little swollen, but he has stopped crying. At that moment Scully comes in from the bathroom. She has changed and is now wearing the golden robe with the red lioness on the back again. She has a tube in her hand and smiles when she sees me. "Come here, Walter," she says and beckons me over to the bed, sitting down next to Mulder's head. Then she gives me the tube and points to Mulder's upturned butt. "Apply." I stare at the tube and see that it is cooling gel. I stare at Mulder's enticing butt, now dark red and still twitching slightly, as if the muscles were still reacting to a whipping that has long ago stopped. I stare at Mulder himself, into his eyes. He looks back steadily, waiting for me to finally cool off his poor ass. So I open the tube with trembling fingers and squeeze out a big dollop of gel. After hesitating another moment, I smooth it over Mulder's butt. Shit, those buns are hot! I can feel the heat radiating from the sore flesh, and I jerk my hand back. I didn't know this would happen after a whipping. It's like grabbing a radiator! Mulder turns around to look over his shoulder, trying to find out why I don't get a move on. I realize that the poor guy is in pain and get back to work. It is rather strange smearing gel on this man's butt, both of us being naked, with Scully watching. But when I hear the heart- felt sigh coming from Mulder I relax. Finally I have something constructive to do! I straddle his thighs and start kneading two glowing globes with both of my hands. Mulder winces slightly when I apply too much pressure, but for the most part he enjoys my administrations. Suddenly I realize that Mulder's cleft is red and slightly swollen as well; after all, he was standing with legs spread wide apart. I swallow. After hesitating a second I take some more gel and gently part his cheeks to rub the gel between them. Mulder sighs again, contentedly, and starts to push back, trying to catch my fingers. I pull back instantly, slightly shocked. Scully tries to hide her smile but I can catch a glimpse before she lowers her head. Mulder looks at me again, raising an eyebrow expectantly. I sigh and get back to work. At least now Mulder tries to keep still even though every once in a while he involuntarily pushes back. I guess he's pretty sensitive down there. Erogenous zone, or something. I feel a little embarrassed because all this TLC is making Little Walter stand at attention again. Give me a break, Mulder is a beautiful man, and I never knew how erotic it can be to gently massage a well-punished butt. I look up at Scully who is absorbed in stroking Mulder's hair. It's pretty obvious that she loves him dearly, and I guess Mulder loves her even more. There is another pang of jealousy as I realize that I can't possibly fit in there and I involuntarily squeeze Mulder's butt a little too hard. The poor man yelps and almost jumps up. Scully looks at me, surprised. "Sorry," I murmur and apply more gel to the abused flesh. Damn, Walter, get a grip! After several minutes Scully motions for me to stop, and I pull myself off the prone man, kneeling down next to him. It takes Mulder a second to realize that the caressing has stopped. Apparently he has pretty much blissed out at some point. He raises his head to look at Scully who nods imperceptibly. I'm always amazed by their ability to communicate telepathically. Even more reason to be jealous! I startle when Mulder drags himself up and knee-walks towards me. He cups my face gently and leans forward to give me a sweet, tender kiss on the lips. I'm too surprised to draw back; in fact, I kiss him back hesitantly after a moment. Mulder breaks the kiss with a slight smile on his lips. "Thank you, Walter. That was wonderful." I'm still trying to figure out whether he means my little impromptu massage or the kiss when I see Scully taking something out of the nightstand drawer. She grins wickedly at me while throwing her little treasures in the middle of the bed, in plain sight of everyone sitting there. "Now the two of us are going to have some fun!" she announces jovially, and I stare at the large array of dildos and butt plugs. Little Walter withers away. Oh God. THE END OF CHAPTER TWO. Feedback, suggestions and comments: You betcha! Love it! Need it! Gimme, gimme, gimme! (as long as it's friendly...) My addy is